Sophomore at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Economics and International Development major.
Now embarking on a study abroad to Honduras.
This blog is devoted to this semester and all the experiences that come with!
Quick run down of FAQ's for those who didn't catch all the facts from my stammering.
Where are you going? I will be living in Santa Lucia, Honduras. Taking classes in Tegucigalpa (Phonetically pronounced "Tay-Goose-E-Gall-Pa"). Tegus is the capital of Honduras with approximately 1 million people. While living in Santa Lucia, I will be in a home stay with a mom and her teenage daughter. Below are a few maps to get a better idea of where we'll (geographically) be.
How long are you gone? I am leaving August 22nd out of Grand Rapids and flying home December 17th.
Why are you going? I am an International Development Studies major and it is required that we study abroad in a developing country for a semester. Calvin has great programs in Ghana, Peru, China, Honduras, etc. I chose Honduras and am excited to have this opportunity ahead of me. I have been doing some gentle fact correcting on this section. Note: I am still a student taking classes. This is not a mission trip. I have not dropped out for a semester. Calvin will welcome me back in January with mounds of snow - can't wait!
Will you take classes? Yes, I am enrolled in a Spanish course, and we take three development courses as well. There are also various excursions and tours as a part of the curriculum.
Who's going with you? This is a Calvin program through their study abroad office. There are 11 other Calvin students, and I'm sure you'll see of pictures of them on here.
Who is your professor? The program directors are Kurt and Jo Ann. They live in Honduras and do bunches of wonderful things besides keeping track of rowdy college students.
Where can I learn more about the program? Okay, this isn't a FAQ or even an asked question, but incase your curiosity is peaked or I did not answer a question:
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