
Friday, August 31, 2012

Five Senses Friday

TGIF people! We made it through the week! 

In order to bring a sense of order to the blog I am starting Five Senses Friday- quick run down of the week's highlights and what I am.. sensing. You get the idea. 

sight: A spider. A big one. On the floor. I had two shoes in my hand and a terrified look on my face. It moved, I screamed a bit, then mi mama came in to the rescue. 
taste: Manzanilla tea. It's chamomile, but better. 
touch: A warm shower. The past two nights I have found the sweet spot between almost lukewarm and warm. This gives me hope that there is hot water. 
smell: People on the bus to and fro class each morning. I will be happy when it starts to get a little colder.
hear: Music blaring in van on our way home from Kurt and Jo Ann's house. Nothing like bonding with some Nickelback. 

Have a happy weekend!

And a BIG shout out to my lovely brother. It's his birthday and I know he's got to be in shambles since I'm in Central America and all. I comforted him with a phone call. I know it won't suffice. But he's great. I miss him. And I am very glad he made it another year. Praying for many, many more! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prayers and Pictures

Last night I was able to curb my politics addiction by watching the RNC with mi mama. It was a little difficult explaining Ann Romney and Chris Christie in spanish, but it all worked out. Either that or she still has no idea and is just super patient.

It's been a little rainy the past few days- and a few more to come according to Still keeping thoughts with NO and Hurricane Isaac.

We've been taking advantage of the ever popular spot in town at a cafe. Mostly because we can get some free wifi and for the company of course! Here's some pictures of our view while doing hw. It's a bit distracting to say the least.

If you look real close you can see the clouds covering some of the mountains (more in the top photo). About 45 min. after these pictures were taken it was pouring and we were a bit stuck being literally inside a rain cloud. We found refuge in teaching the local baristas some good ol' American dancing. We're in the process of learning how to dance their way. It's a slow process.

Thought I would post up on some of the books we'll be reading throughout the semester.
Don't be Afraid Gringo by Elvia Alvarado. Story of a Honduran campesina. Read it and weep, seriously.
The Good News about Injustice by Gary Haugen. He's the founder of IJM (International Justice Mission) and only four chapters in and I'm thinking it's going to be a good one. If you have the slightest interest in justice issues, this is a must read.
Freedom of Simplicity by Richard Foster. Subtitle: finding simplicity in a complex world. More to come on this one.

Below is a prayer by Archbishop Oscar Romero. Anyone will benefit from reading. It really hit on my perspective of the Kingdom and how there's comfort in being finite.

It helps, now and then, to step back
and take a long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,
it is even beyond our vision.
We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction
of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work.
Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying
that the kingdom always lies beyond us.
No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith.
No confession brings perfection.
No pastoral visit brings wholeness.
No program accomplishes the church's mission.
No set of goals and objectives includes everything.
This is what we are about.
We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted,
knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation
in realizing that. This enables us to do something,
and to do it very well. It may be incomplete,
but it is a beginning, a step along the way,
an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results, but that is the difference
between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own.

Thanks for reading, your comments, and certainly your patience! Take care all. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The World is Small!

Our group went on a retreat up to La Tigra for the weekend. I just got back and woke up from a much needed nap.

It was a fantastic weekend filled with hiking, waterfalls, and many laughs.

When we first got up to La Tigra we napped, ate lunch and then began our 2 hour hike to the waterfall in the park. It was a beautiful hike after the first 20 minutes of some steep grade. Later, about 30 minutes from our destination we ran into the American looking family. We started talking to them, asking what they were doing, and then it hit me. I read the mom's shirt and it said 'Waterloo / Cedar Falls, IA' and I said a little too loudly, "I'M FROM PELLA!!" It was great to meet another fellow Iowan family on the hike. So crazy.  That's why the world is so small/ the title of this post.

I forgot my camera for the weekend, but I am sure I'll find some to share.
Here is a link to a website that has pictures of the waterfall we were at. Click for Pic

For now, here are some overdue pictures from my house.

Above. This is the view from my porch at night. I really wish I could do justice with a point and shoot but it just doesn't capture. The lights are Tegus, some clouds on top, and mountains flanking either side.

Above. This is me trying out the panoramic feature of the camera from my front porch. Just to the left of the tree is where you can see Tegus. It's a little cloudy today. You can also see a bit of mi calle. 

Above. This ladies and gentlemen, it what I wake up to every morning. I feel so blessed that this is reality for a few months. Beautiful beyond belief. It's even better in person! (hint, hint)

Hopefully this suffices for now and finds you all enjoying a wonderful Sunday.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Safe and Sound in Santa Lucia

This is going to be quick. I feel I owe those worriers out there a notice that we are all going just great.

Travel day began with a rough patch, but ended up very smoothly.

Mi familia, the classes, and people are all good so far.

Jo Ann and Kurt have been keeping us busy and getting out of bed in the very early morning. Tomorrow we have a retreat up to La Tigre. It's a forest of sort - so I hear.

Pictures to follow.

Take care!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reporting from Michigan

This is real. 

That's the sentence I now have to keep repeating to myself to remind me that in eight hours I'll be on my way to Central America. It's just an odd feeling when you're staring what you know will be a life changing experience in the face. It gets even odder when you starting flirting with that reality. 

Instead of looking ahead now I am looking back a bit. This summer I have had the experience to work with many wonderful and talented people I would've never met otherwise - and I'm sure glad I did. (Can't vouch for their opinion though.)

Also, this past week even I have been able to see many beloved people in my life in Pella and GR. I am also SO thankful for the inventors of Skype. It makes me nostalgic, but also comforting that I have this support system back in the two places I call home. 

The backbone of this support system has to be my parents. I would not have the skills, courage or confidence for this journey if it wasn't for them. I mean, they did voluntarily clothe and feed me this summer. 

For the next 24 hours if you could throw up some prayers for safe travel, quick transitions, good health, and comfort instead of anxiety. 

Take care all. I'll do the same.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beyond: Honduras

Although I am not a Buzz Lightyear enthusiast but only a casual fan, I believe his quote is worthy to be a parody for the title of this blog. 

Michigan is an adventure all in itself, but Honduras?! That's a whole other story. 

Quick run down  of FAQ's for those who didn't catch all the facts from my stammering.

Who are you? "About Me" tab. Check it.

Where are you going? I will be living in Santa Lucia, Honduras. Taking classes in Tegucigalpa (Phonetically pronounced "Tay-Goose-E-Gall-Pa"). Tegus is the capital of Honduras with approximately 1 million people.  While living in Santa Lucia, I will be in a home stay with a mom and her teenage daughter. Below are a few maps to get a better idea of where we'll (geographically) be. 

How long are you gone? I am leaving August 22nd out of Grand Rapids and flying home December 17th. 

Why are you going? I am an International Development Studies major and it is required that we study abroad in a developing country for a semester. Calvin has great programs in Ghana, Peru, China, Honduras, etc. I chose Honduras and am excited to have this opportunity ahead of me. I have been doing some gentle fact correcting on this section. Note: I am still a student taking classes. This is not a mission trip. I have not dropped out for a semester. Calvin will welcome me back in January with mounds of snow - can't wait!  

Will you take classes? Yes, I am enrolled in a Spanish course, and we take three development courses as well. There are also various excursions and tours as a part of the curriculum.

Who's going with you? This is a Calvin program through their study abroad office. There are 11 other Calvin students, and I'm sure you'll see of pictures of them on here. 

Who is your professor? The program directors are Kurt and Jo Ann. They live in Honduras and do bunches of wonderful things besides keeping track of rowdy college students.

Are you excited? Depends on the time of day. I am stoked for the experiences and growth that'll happen. But not so cool with leaving campus, friends, family, and 5th floor Heckman (top floor of the library) behind. I think that if it wasn't bittersweet I wouldn't be anticipating the next transition and savoring the current state. 

What's the best way to contact you? Until August 22nd: cell phone. Post 8/22: email. ( Now I would love to talk to everyone, and certainly could, but there's a problem. If I am connecting back to the states all the time then I won't have any good stories to tell! It's a conundrum. This blog is the compromise. I update one location, you check one location, and everyone is happy. I am not discouraging emails. Please send them! It's just outlining expectations.

Where can I learn more about the program? Okay, this isn't a FAQ or even an asked question, but incase your curiosity is peaked or I did not answer a question: 

Stay tuned! There's more to come!